Master Sonic

Item id : C99980061

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Product description

The Master Sonic is a washing machine that uses the most advanced Ultrasonic technology to obtain a total cleaning of your equipment by only pushing a button.

Post-harvest equipment accumulates debris and dirt from processed plants caused by the intensive use. The cleaning
is essential for proper operation and for the GMP requirements.

Adding a Master Sonic in your cleaning procedures, will reduce labor costs making the cleaning and maintenance tasks easier and more efficient, gaining in safety and productivity for your team.

Technical Data


 Machine weight  290 kg
 Outer dimensions  153 x 113 x 100 cm
 Inner dimensions  108 x 61 x 44 cm
 Machine material  Stainless steel 304
 Cubic capacity  420 L
 Elevation capacity  320 kg
 Temperature control  0º to 80º
 Safety system  Yes