Master Bucker 500 med

Item id : C99980060

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Product description

The MB bucker 500 med is the first debudder machine on the market meets 100% GMP requirements. Thanks to its system to completely separate the rollers and the cutting blade part. with no need for tools, you can easily clean it reaching all the corners of the equipment, without leaving any dirt in any part. It also has a liquid collection system, avoiding splashing and deposting it for removal.

It not only debut, but it also chips. At the rear, there's a blade that chips the excess stems, storing the remains in a box to facilitate their subsequent use, storage or disposal.

Technical data


 Machine weight  126 kg
 Machine dimensions  65 x 94.6 x 130 cm
 Machine material  Stainless steel 304
 Production Wet  65 kg/h
 Safety system  Yes