The importance of food-grade materials for storing cannabis

Cannabis cultivators around the world have developed different protocols for how they process and store cannabis crops. In the absence of official policies or mandates, cultivators have resorted to using a variety of storage containers, including cardboard cartons, plastic tubs from home improvement stores, and plastic bags. The main drawback to these container types is that they are not made from food-grade materials. Why is this important?

 The importance of food-grade materials for storing cannabis


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Food-grade materials are defined as ones that are safe for direct contact with food, as they won’t contaminate food with harmful materials, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The idea is that food-grade materials will maintain the product being stored in it without altering it or interacting with it in any way.


Cannabis is not necessarily a food product, but it is a product that is ingested into the human body. This means that any    substances that scrape or leach from the container into cannabis will be harmful to the cannabis quality or to the end user who ultimately ingests it. To protect the quality and potency of their cannabis products, cultivators should always store their cannabis in containers made only from food-grade materials.

From left to right: polycarbonate, polypropylene, polyethylene

• Polycarbonate: This virtually unbreakable plastic is strong and durable, with a clear colour to offer good visibility, making it a safer and cheaper alternative to glass. Polycarbonate will not absorb odours.
• Polypropylene: This slightly translucent material is durable and ideal for use in subzero conditions, as it will not crack or break when held at temperatures as low as -40𐩑C. BPA-free.
• Polyethylene: This material is similar to polypropylene in that it works well in extremely cold temperatures, but the material is an opaque white, offering some protection from light. BPA-free.

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