Sticky trap blue [10x25cm] (wet glue) 10 pieces

Item id : 210306259

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Product description

Timely signalling is very important to keep a pest under control. The sticky traps are the tool for this. The sticky traps stick on 2 sides and are provided with a very user-friendly adhesive. It is a powerful glue that holds the trapped insects very well, but does not stick to the fingers. Furthermore, the glue layers are covered by easy to remove paper strips. There are compartments on the plates to make counting easier.

Product characteristics

  • The scientifically optimized colour matrix maximizes pest capture while reducing the attractiveness of beneficial insects.
  • Signal plates are provided with a strong adhesive layer
  • Ideal for quick and easy monitoring of pests

The sticky traps are available in different sizes, colours, types and packaging units.

  • 10cm by 25cm packed per 10. Available in Yellow and Blue.
  • 10cm by 25cm packed per 10 with hanging hook. Available in Yellow.
  • 10cm by 25cm packed per 1000 in a box. Available in Yellow and Blue.
  • 20cm by 25cm packed per 500 in a box. Available in Red.
  • 40cm by 25cm packed per 250 in a box. Available in Yellow, Blue and Black.

User instruction
Signal plates are provided with a hook, so it can easily be hung on a rope. Yellow sticky traps have a great attraction to aphids, leaf miner flies, whiteflies, sciarids and thrips. The blue sticky traps are specially designed to catch thrips. Red sticky traps have been developed to catch cicadas.

Storage and storage conditions
Store the sticky traps dry (preferably room temperature)