Yellow Glue Roll 30cm x 100m (Optiroll)

Item id : 210306035

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Product description

Yellow Glue Roll

The yellow signal rollers have a great attraction on mainly white flies, but also on aphids, leaf miner flies, thrips and fern mourning mosquitoes. The signal coils are made of high density polyethylene and have a long service life. The signal rollers have a powerful adhesive layer on both sides. The quality of the glue is such that it still sticks even after irrigation and/or atomization. The goal is to catch as many insects as possible at all times. Research has shown that the signal rollers remain stuck throughout the growing season.

Product characteristics
• Rolls made of high density polyethylene
• Rolls stick for a growing season, without loss of functionality.
• The rolls are resistant to UV light and water.

Instructions of use
For a correct way of unrolling and attaching (of both yellow and blue signal rolls) you can choose for the use of ribbon brackets. The ribbon brackets contribute to a correct suspension, a good positioning in relation to the crop and are suitable for re-use.

The yellow signal rollers are available in standard sizes:

  • 100m x 5cm
  • 100m x 15cm 
  • 100m x 30cm 

In addition, signal rolls (with minimum purchase) can be custom made from 80 meters to 130 meters. Signal rollers are also available in different colors and with attractants.

Storage and transport

Upon receipt, check the product for discrepancies and report any complaints or comments within 24 hours. Store the signal rolls dry and cool (preferably between 10 and 15 degrees). When the product is stored under different conditions Royal Brinkman is not liable for loss of quality.embed-container { position: relative padding-bottom: 56.25% height: 0 overflow: hidden max-width: 100% } .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed { position: absolute top: 0 left: 0 width: 100% height: 100%