Optiroll Super Plus White 15cm x 100m

Item id : 210306300

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Product description

Signal rollers with pheromone are specially developed to catch thrips. Research has shown that the combination attractant and the printed pattern has extra attraction on both male and female thrips. This makes it possible for these signal rollers to provide growers with an extra tool for signalling and controlling thrips. The signal rollers can be used in both vegetables and ornamental plants. The signal rollers have a powerful and user-friendly adhesive on both sides. This type of glue does not stick to the fingers, but it does ensure that it holds the captured insects very well. It is advised to hang the signal rollers in the crop as soon as the planting of the plants takes place. The signal rollers can be used in combination with biological crop protection and can contribute to improving pest control.

Product characteristics

  • Rolls made of high density polyethylene;
  • Rolls remain a growing season, without loss of functionality;
  • The rolls are resistant to UV light and water.

Instructions for use
For a correct way of rolling out and fixing, you can choose to use ribbon braces. The ribbon braces contribute to a correct suspension, a good positioning in relation to the crop and are suitable for reuse.
The signal rollers are available in the standard sizes:

  • 100m x 15cm;
  • 100m x 30cm.

In addition, signal rollers can be made to measure (with a minimum purchase) from 80 metres up to 130 metres. The signal rollers with pheromone are available in the colours: blue, white and yellow.

Receipt and storage
Upon receipt, check the product for abnormalities and report any complaints or comments within 24 hours. Store sticky trap rolls dry and cool (preferably between 10 and 15 degrees). When the product is stored under different conditions Royal Brinkman is not liable for any loss of quality.