AMBLYCAcontrol [500 sachets] (AB1)

Item id : 210104790

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Product description

AMBLYCAcontrol [500 sachets] for the control of red spider mite

Neoseiulus californicus
N. californicus is a predatory mite that can be used against all stages of different spider mite species. This predatory mite can also survive on a diet of pollen or other mites, or even for some time without food. Neoseiulus californicus is very effective in combination with Phytoseiulus persimilis.

Neoseiulus californicus predatory mites have a light brown to pink colour. The predatory mite is an active seeker and is highly visible in the crop. The eggs are small (over 0.1 mm) and have a light brown/cream colour. An adult predatory mite lives for about 20 days, during which time she lays eggs for 14 days, averaging three per day. The whole life cycle can take as little as 4 days at high temperatures. Neoseiulus californicus has five development stages: egg, larva, first and second nymphal stage and adult predatory mite. The larvae have six legs, the nymphs and adult mites have eight legs. From the first nymphal stage onwards, they are predatory. Predatory mites puncture the prey and suck it dry. An adult N. californicus predatory mite can eat about 5 adult spider mites with possibly some larvae and eggs per day.

Compared to Phytoseiulus persimilis, Neoseiulus californicus is less sensitive to chemical pesticides.  N. californicus should be introduced at an early stage of pest development. The predatory mite can be used in many different crops where spider mites occur.

Product characteristics

  • Predatory mite can be used preventatively.
  • Resistant to high temperatures and low humidity.
  • Can be used in many different crops.
  • Available in various formulations.

AMBLYCAcontrol is available in convenient suspension bags with a minimum of 100 predatory mites per bag.

Instruction for use
Keep the product cool until use. Allow the product to reach (greenhouse) temperature gradually. Avoid too fast increase of temperature, this can lead to a temperature shock for the predatory mites. Keep the product out of direct sunlight. Mix the product well before use. This will ensure a good distribution of mites in the material and in your crop (keep mixing the material during application). Shake the material in small quantities on your crop. Avoid contact with heating pipes. The amount of application always depends on the pest pressure in the crop, so ask the product specialist for the correct dosage.

Storage and transport
Check the product upon receipt for abnormalities and report any complaints or comments within 24 hours. Use the product preferably immediately. If storage is required, store the product in the dark in a ventilated area at a temperature of 15-18°C and a Relative Humidity of 75-80% for a maximum of 24 hours. If the product is stored longer and/or under different conditions, Royal Brinkman cannot be held responsible for loss of quality.