Nemacontrol C

Item id : 210205876

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Product description

NEMAcontrol carpocapsae to control shore flies (Scatella stagnalis) and caterpillars.

Steinernema carpocapsae
NEMAcontrol carpocapsae is a biological product and contains the insect parasitic nematodes Steinernema carpocapsae. After administration, the nematodes actively search for and penetrate the prey, after which they excrete bacteria, killing the prey. NEMAcontrol carpocapsae is completely safe for humans, the environment, the crop and beneficial insects. The nematodes are active at a soil temperature between 12 and 30°C. The parasitic nematodes of S. carpocapsae have both a soil and a foliar application.

Product Features

  • Combats shore flying (Scatella stagnalis) and caterpillars.
  • Safe for humans, environment, crops and beneficial insects.
  • Kills prey by secretion of bacteria.
  • Apply in humid conditions.

The packaging consists of bags of 50 million and 250 million insect parasitic nematodes.  

Instructions for use

Recommended nematode dosage:

Infestation Application Quantity of water Type of application Dosage Tray 50 million Tray 250 million Interval days Interval weeks
Bank fly (larvae) Bottom ca. 2 lit/m Curative 500.000/m2 100 m2 500 m2 7 2-4
Caterpillars like: Duponchelia, Floradimot, Turkish moth, Kooluil etc. Bottom 3.000 lit/ha Curative 500.000/m2 100 m2 500 m2 7-14 4-6
Caterpillars like: Duponchelia, Floradimot, Turkish moth, Kooluil etc. Blad 1.000 lit/ha Curative 500.000/m2 100 m2 500 m2 7-14 6

Preparation of spray liquid

  • Empty the contents of the bag into a bucket of 10 litres of water and stir the solution thoroughly.
  • Use the whole bag at once.
  • Fill the spray vessel or spray tank for three quarters with water and add the nematode solution.
  • Fill the spray vessel(s) with the required amount of water.
  • Apply the nematode solution immediately after mixing.


  • The application can be carried out with the usual spraying equipment.
  • Remove all filters smaller than 0.3 mm (300 microns).
  • The pump pressure must not exceed 20 bar/2000 kPa.
  • During application, continuously stir the spray fluid to prevent settling of the nematodes.
  • Use a nozzle of 0.5 mm (500 microns) or larger.
  • The spray liquid cannot be stored.


  • Ensure moist conditions during application.
  • Do not apply in sunny weather.
  • (Bottom) temperature between 14 - 30 °C.
  • In a soil application against bank fly larvae, make sure that the nematodes end up on the top layer as much as possible.
  • In the case of a foliar application against caterpillars, ensure a foliar wet period of at least 2 hours.
  • Eels can be applied together with various crop protection agents; for more information on tank mixes, consult your product specialist.

Receipt and storage
Upon receipt, check the product for abnormalities and report any complaints or comments within 24 hours. Preferably use the product immediately. If storage is required, the product should be stored in the dark at a temperature of 5-7°C. Remove the (overbox) packaging and ensure good air circulation around the trays. See packaging for expiry date. When the product is stored longer and/or under different conditions Royal Brinkman is not liable for loss of quality.

> Steinernema carpocapsae
> 250,000,000 individuals
> MBT/MPS: 990706