HYPOcontrol Miles [25,000/tube] (AB4)

Item id : 210103906

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Product description

HYPOcontrol to control sciarid fly, thrips, shore fly and duponchelia



Hypoaspis miles
HYPOcontrol m contains eggs, nymphs and adults of the predatory mite Stratiolaelaps scimitus (formerly known as Hypoaspis miles). Stratiolaelaps is a bottom predatory mite that occurs almost everywhere. Especially in places with a lot of food (Sciara larvae) huge numbers can be reached. The soil predatory mite contributes to the control of the larvae of the sciarid fly, the pupating thrips larvae and eggs of the moth Duponchelia fovealis. The predatory mite is an important link in the basis of integrated control in both vegetable and ornamental cultivation. Because Hypoaspis predatory mites have many different soil organisms on their menu, they can survive in almost any crop. In addition to Stratiolaelaps scimitus, the predatory beetle Atheta coriaria can be used against shore fly (Scatella). In extreme cases, Stratiolaelaps scimitus can be left without food for 7 weeks.

Product characteristics hypoaspis
• Multi life stages ensure strong and rapid development
• Simple expansion
• Formulation is of natural origin.
• Combats multiple soil layers

Quality control
At Royal Brinkman, a team of specialists checks the quality of beneficial insects, mites and nematodes. Based on a protocol, they work to deliver the best quality to the customers.

Packaging Hypoaspis
Keep product cool until use. Allow the product to cool down to (greenhouse) temperature. Prevent too rapid an increase in temperature, this can lead to a temperature shock for the predatory mites. Keep the product horizontal and out of direct sunlight. Mix the product well immediately before use. This can be done by gently rotating the tube. This will ensure a good distribution of mites in the material and in your crop (so keep mixing the material during insertion). Shake out the material in small quantities over the soil, pot or substrate. Because it is a soil predatory mite, preferably do not spread the material over plant parts. Make sure there is enough moisture present, prolonged dryness will be at the expense of the population build-up. The degree of application always depends on the pest pressure in the crop, therefore ask the product specialist for the correct dosage.

Instructions for use Hypoaspis
Turn the tube or bucket around before use to evenly distribute the predatory mites in the packaging. Open the tube / bucket and spread the predatory mites on the substrate to be treated. Place the predatory mites in the morning or afternoon on a substrate sheltered from the sun. Turn the tube / bucket regularly during use. Make sure that the habitat for the Stratiolaelaps remains moist. Prolonged drought is at the expense of population growth. The amount to be used depends on the pest pressure, the product specialist can advise on this.

Storage and Hypoaspis
Upon receipt, check the product for discrepancies and report any complaints or comments within 24 hours. Preferably use the product immediately. If storage is required, the product should be stored horizontally and in a dark place in a ventilated room at a temperature of 15-18°C and an air humidity of 70-80% for a maximum of 24 hours. If the product is stored longer and/or under different conditions Royal Brinkman is not liable for any loss of quality.

> Stratiolaelaps scimitus (Formerly Hypoaspis miles)
> MBT/MPS: 990675