BASILcontrol [240)/bottle] (AB3)

Item id : 210100519

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Product description

BASILcontrol to control aphids

Parasitic wasps mix
BASILcontrol provides excellent control of aphids. BASILcontrol contains a mix of parasitic wasps: Aphidius colemani, Aphidius ervi, Aphidius matricariae, Aphelinus abdominalis, Ephedrus cerasicola en Praon volucre. The mix is specifically aimed at herbs and aromatic plants, such as: basil, parsley, peppermint, sage, thyme and dill.

  • Aphidius colemani: mainly parasitizes the smaller aphids, such as: cotton aphid (Aphis gossypii), green peach aphid (Myzus persicae) and tobacco aphid (Myzus nocotianae). 
  • Aphidius ervi: specializes in parasitizing the larger aphids such as: potato aphids (Macrosiphum euphorbiae), rose aphid (Macrosiphum rosea) and the foxglove aphid (Aulacorthum solani).
  • Aphidius matricariae: parasitizes, similar to Aphidius colemani, on the: green peach aphid (Myzus persicae), but is much quicker than the Aphidius colemani.
  • Aphelinus abdominalis: is just like Aphidius ervi specialized in parasitizing on the : potato aphids (Macrosiphum euphorbiae) and the foxglove aphid (Aulacorthum solani).
  • Ephedrus cerasicola: mainly parasitizes on the foxglove aphid (Aulacorthum solani) and the crescent-marked lily aphid (Aulacorthum circumflexum). 
  • Praon volucre: parasitizes on the pea aphid (Acyrtosiphon pisum), potato aphid (Macrosiphum euphorbiae) and the foxglove aphid (Aulacorthum solani).

The adult parasitic wasps will hatch and parasitize aphids by inserting an egg. The parasitic wasps find aphids in the crop even before the lice can be seen, so these parasitic wasps are very suitable for preventive use. Note that the parasitic wasps leave empty mummies in the crop. This can be at the expense of decorative value. It is recommended to regularly repeat treatment with parasitic wasps in the greenhouse.

In herbaceous plants, only a few chemical pesticides are available, and biological solutions have been able to combat a limited spectrum of aphids. BASILcontrol fills that gap because it contains different types of biological control agents of aphids. The combination of these parasitic wasp species is specifically made to control all common aphids. They are packaged in ready to use tubes, which are much faster and more useful than chemical treatment.

Product characteristics

  • Protects aromatic herbs against aphids
  • Quick and easy application
  • No recognition needed for various aphids. 
  • No resistance development against chemical agents. 
  • Less use of chemical agents
  • Integrated food source ensures a longer life time of the parasitic wasps
  • Dosage per 200m2.
  • Introduce every two weeks.

BASILcontrol is provided in tubes containing an integrated food source. The integrated food source ensures a longer life span of parasitic wasps. The tubes are ready and easy to use and help to save labor.

The BASILcontrol tube contains 240 mummies, with an expiry date on the packaging.

In addition to the parasitic wasps, there is an introduction- system available in which the tubes can be placed fast and easy. The introduction-system provides protection of the mummies against ants (which cannot cross the nylon wire), direct sunlight and water drops (condensation, sprinklers).

User instructions
Preferably use the introduction system, in order to protect the tubes.

If the introduction-system is not used: place the tube in a sun sheltered and dry place. The dose per tube is intended for 200 m2. Leave the tube in the crop for at least four weeks.

Receipt and storage
Upon receipt, check the product for abnormalities and report any complaints or comments within 24 hours. Preferably use the product immediately. If storage is required, the product should be stored horizontally and in a dark place at a temperature of 8-10°C for a maximum of 24 hours. If the product is stored longer and/or under different conditions Royal Brinkman is not liable for any loss of quality.


Aphid/ Parasitic wasps





Aphidius matricariae

Aphelinus abdominalis

Ephedrus cerasicola



Aphis craccivora

(Cowpea aphid)




Aphis fabae

(Black bean aphid)




Aphis frangulae

(Buckthorn aphid)




Aphis gossypii

(Cotton aphid)




Aphis spiraecola

(Aapple aphid)




Aulacorthum solani

(Foxglove aphid)






Cavariella aegopodii

(Wild carrot aphid)



Dysaphis apiifolia

(Rusty banded aphid)




Hyadaphis foeniculi

(Fly honeysuckle aphid)



Macrosiphum euphorbiae

(Potato aphid)




Myzus ornatus

(Violet aphid)



Myzus persicae

(Green peach aphid)







Ovatus crateagarius



+++        = Very high efficiency

++          = High efficiency

           = Good efficiency

> Aphidius mix