Aphidoline - 4 blister - 1000 Individuals - Aphidoletes

Item id : 210102251

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Product description

Aphidoline to control aphids

Aphidoletes aphidimyza
Aphidoline contains pupae of the gall midge Aphidoletes aphidimyza. The larvae control a broad spectrum of aphid species. The adult gall midge that hatches from the pupa is mainly active at dusk and lays its eggs in aphid colonies. The gall midge sucks the aphids empty after which no more than a dehydrated skin remains. Practice shows that there are more than 60 aphid species on the menu of the Aphidoletes aphidimyza. Aphidoletes aphidimyza is an indispensable link in effective aphid control. The gall midges can be used in almost every crop.

The larvae of the gall midge hatch after two days and start eating lice immediately after hatching. The adult gall midges are very mobile and have a good ability to search. Females of the Aphidoletes aphidimyza will deposit the eggs in places with sufficient food: in aphid hot spots.  Aphidoletes aphidimyza develops best at a temperature between 20 and 30°C and a day length of 16 hours.

Product characteristics 

  • Pop formulation guarantees high quality
  • Can be used both preventively and curatively 
  • Rapid distribution through the greenhouse

Aphidoline is available in blister packs containing 250 dolls per blister, with vermiculite as carrier. The vermiculite ensures optimal housekeeping in the bottles during transport.

Instructions for use
Aphidoline should be used as soon as lice have been detected in the crop. From the aphid spots the gall midge spreads over the entire surface and is thus able to control aphids of any species. Hang the blisters well spread throughout your crop. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight.

The degree of application always depends on the pest pressure in the crop, so it is best to use a certain amount in consultation with a product specialist. Note: the gall midges are sensitive to sulfur.

Storage and transport
Upon receipt, check the product for discrepancies and report any complaints or comments within 24 hours. Preferably use the product immediately. If storage is required, the product should be stored horizontally and in a dark place at a temperature of 11°C for a maximum of 24 hours. When the product is stored longer and/or under different conditions Royal Brinkman is not liable for loss of quality.

> Aphidoletes aphidimyza 1.000
> MBT/MPS: 990381