X plore 3300 half face mask large

Item id : 391002091

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Product description

Product benefits

Flexible nose area for secure fit

The special design of the nose sealing strip ensures leak free sealing and an optimal fit with safety glasses. The three sizes (S, M, L) ensure a perfect fit for every face

Low profile design

The swept back position of the filters guarantees a wild field of vision free from obstruction and ensures optimal fit for use under protective visors. The modern design leads to a longer wearing tolerance by the user.

FlexiFit head harness

The new smooth material ensures excellent fit to your head without hair entanglement. You won´t notice it under your hard hat!

Easily adjustable head harness

Cross over straps ensure and even weight distribution - giving you ultimate comfort without pressure.

Low maintenance and cost effective

Dräger X-plore 3300 is a low maintenance half mask. The right choice for all those who require inexpensive and comfortalbe respiratory protection.

Versatile use

The Dräger X-plore 3300 is equipped with two lateral bayonet connections for use of the comprehensive Dräger X-plore bayonet filter series.