PE Boot cover 38x47cm

Item id : 380007423

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Product description

With these hygienic shoe covers, working food-safe is made really easy!

Prevent cross-contamination
These practical shoe covers prevent dirt and bacteria from footwear coming into contact with food, while keeping your shoes free of splashing dirt and moisture. By sliding the covers over your shoes when entering the production area or kitchen, you easily reduce the risk of cross-contamination between different departments.

Praktical elastic
The waterproof shoe protectors made of strong and flexible synthetic material are easy to put on your shoes. Thanks to the elastic band at the top, the shoe covers have a perfect fit and stay in place while working and walking.

Many applications
Food safe shoe covers are an ideal protection in the food industry. They are also widely used in painting, spraying, cleaning, health care and laboratories.

One size
Functional single-use boot covers are available in a universal size that will always fit. Convenient shoe covers are also available for shoes.

Working food-safely
Everyone who works with food knows how important food safety is. Especially for the professional kitchen we offer an extensive range of HACCP products that make working in a food-safe manner very easy.

Technical specifications

Material LDPE
Length (cm) 38
Width (cm) 47
Colour Transparant