Flexxomat Transport 4 x 2.21m

Item id : 181211205

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Product description

The Flexxomat TT

Preventive hygiene solution for vehicle and people transport
The Flexxomat TT disinfection mat is the number one preventive hygiene solution for personal transport in the food industry, horticulture, agriculture and laboratories. As a part of quality management systems like HACCP, IFS, BRC, GSPP ISO 22000 etc. risk and high care zones of production facilities can improve in protection against the containment of micro-organism and the possible consequences. Our partner, Flexxolutions, offers more than 15 years of experience with the development and production of disinfection mats. Besides the standard sizes we can offer customized solutions as well.

The Flexxomat TT is unique and can be used for all kinds of internal transport. Because of the innovative design and patented reinforcements, the mat doesn’t need to be secured to the ground.
For an effective and (disinfection liquid) efficient use the Flexxomat TT can be equipped with an internal liquid distribution tunnel. The mat can be attached to a dosage pump with an external tube. With this system the mat stays moist/wet so it keeps disinfecting.

Advantages and characteristics Flexxomat TT

  • Suitable for all kinds of internal transport
  • Can be filled manually
  • The absorbing liquid core and the semi-permeable upper deck provide as little evaporation of expensive disinfection liquids
  • The function of the mat is ensured no more dry mats
  • The quality of the Flexxomat is guaranteed by own design and production
  • Available in standard sizes 1x2,21, 1,5x2,21, 2x2,21, 3x2,21, 4x2,21, 5x2,21 and 6x2,21m

Saving on labor costs
To save on labor costs and preventing the mat from drying out, it is possible to equip the mat with a tunnel/tube. This tube connects the mat with an automatic filling system (via dosage pump or a venturi pump)