Cart disinfection station

Item id : 890000112

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Product description

The Cart Disinfection Station, or CDS, is a completely automated disinfection lock chamber which prevents cross-contamination on picking carts. For example: a picking cart with traces of the tomato virus ToBRFV can easily spread the virus to all parts of the greenhouse. By disinfecting the picking carts with dry fog, all harmful viruses, bacteria and fungi are destroyed before the carts go back into the greenhouse.

This takes no time at all, two minutes and all the carts are completely free of any harmful substance. Make sure a small problem in one place doesn’t become a problem for the whole greenhouse. We build the system completely tailored to your needs


  • Completely automatic disinfection system
  • Carts are disinfected in a cycle of 2 minutes or less
  • Very low residue on the carts, no hazard for personnel or crop — Suited for use on cardboard boxes and paper sheets
  • Disinfection fog is ventilated to the outside
  • No fog will go into production areas
  • Custom made, always a perfect fit
  • Can be integrated in your automatic transportation system
  • Automatic rinsing of the complete system


Capacity 1 row of picking carts per 2 minutes.
Throw length n.a
Droplet size 5 - 10 μm.
Tank size n.a
Power 3.3 bar.
Mobility Fixed installation