HuwaSan TR50 25kg

Item id : 150114012

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Product description

Huwa-San TR-50
Huwa-San TR-50 is a unique stabilized hydrogen peroxide that stands out for its superior stability and efficient operation. Huwa-San is the product for powerful cleaning of your drip hoses, silos and other parts of the water system. Thanks to it's unique stabiliser, Huwa-San retains it's power throughout the entire water system. Moreover, unlike other products, it doesn't contain any harmful substances and is odourless, colourless and non-corrosive at the correct dosage. Huwa-San has proven itself in removing biofilm and preventing blockages in the water system. We recommend peroxide test using Huwa-San.


  • Powerful stabiliser throughout the water system
  • Prevents the spread of germs
  • No harmful substances
  • Biodegradable
  • Algae prevention
  • Odourless and colourless
  • Non-corrosive

Important to know: at the transition from Reciclean to Huwa-San TR-50, the dosage must be adjusted to the dosage set. For Reciclean 125 cc per 1000 ltr of water was advised to obtain 25 ppm of hydrogen peroxide on the irrigation water. Huwa-San TR-50 is more concentrated than Reciclean, so a dose of 50 cc per 1000 litres of water corresponds to 25 ppm of hydrogen peroxide. For more information about Huwa-San TR-50, an recommended dosage or for specific advice for your company, please contact your Royal Brinkman specialist. In consultation with the manufacturer, a plan of action will then be drawn up, specifically tailored to your situation.

Please note that biofilm and other contaminants may be released into the system when using hydrogen peroxide based products. Therefore, check the system very regularly for soiling and drainage on time! Make sure you check the system before starting dosing and continue to do so consistently, starting daily.

Storage Huwa-San
Huwa-San should be stored in a cool place.

Packaging Huwa-San
Huwa-San is available in 25 kg cans, 240 kg drums and 1200 kg IBCs.