Riococo 2 gallon open mouth bag

Item id : C99980031

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Product description

RIOCOCO PCM OTBs (Open Top Bags) are produced with a special blend of coconut fiber raw materials, which provides the ideal coco medium characteristics to the plants. The selected raw materials are five times washed, blended without fine dust particles to make PCM OTBs for the required sizes.This product is specially designed to reach the optimum water holding capacity (WHC) and air-filled porosity (AFP). These bags are available in 1,2,3, 5 Gallons.

Weight 0.8  Kg / 1.76 lb
Material composition Coir chips and coir natural mix
Electrical conductivity <1.0 mS/cm
pH 5.5 - 6.5 
Organic matter (% by weight) 95 - 98 %
Volume 2 Gal / 8 L 
Dimensions size (dry) 21 x 17.5 x 6 cm
Dimensions size (wet) 22 x 18 x 18 cm

» Open top bag irrigation instruction