CBOP Organic Propagation plugs

Item id : C99980033

Unit information

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Product description

Propagation plug is a super washed coir pellet with compressed coir fiber natural pith material. Our CBOP 2346 plug is made with carefully selected fine grade coir raw material. The key feature of this plug is that it’s a bottom sealed coir plug wrapped with biodegradable paper cellulose. It can be used to grow in the propagation trays.


  • 25mm(.98″).
  • 32mm(1.26″)
  • 38mm(1.5″)
  • 42mm(1.65″)
  • 50 mm(1.97″)
Weight 0.0030 - 0.0035 KG
Material composition Natural Coir Mix
Electrical conductivity <0.5 mS/cm
pH 5.5 - 6.5 
Organic matter (% by weight) 95 - 98 %
Volume 0.0321 L
Dimensions size (dry) 22/7 x 16 x 16 x 7 mm
Dimensions size (wet) 22/7 x 16 x 16 x 40 mm