Copper sulphate 25% (450) 5kg

Item id : 150276753

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Product description

Copper sulphate 25% is a copper fertilizer in the form of a sulphate (oxidized form of sulphur). Use copper sulphate to prevent a shortage of copper. Copper (Cu) is required in the process of photosynthesis, is very important in the formation of vitamins and contributes to the process of hardening of plant parts.


Use copper sulfate to prevent a shortage of copper in the crop. Pay attention to the pH value in the fertilizer solution or in the root environment. At a high pH value it is better to use a copper chelate.


Copper sulphate 25% is available in:

  • Bags of 12 grams
  • Bags of 19 grams
  • Pot of 1 kg
  • Pot of 5 kg
  • Bag of 25 kg