Bluelab Pulse Multimedia EC/MC meter

Item id : C99980029

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Product description


  • Measure EC, moisture and temperature directly in the root zone
  • Lightning-fast: get three measurements with a single click
  • View, store and compare all your measurements in the Pulse app
  • Robust 8”/200 mm long-format stainless steel probes provide deeper insight
  • Works in a variety of growing substrates and nutrient solution
  • Move faster with Blink – get quick in- or out-of-range measurement indicators on the Pulse Meter

Optimise your root zone
No more pour-throughs, slurries or extractions
The Bluelab Pulse Meter will enable you to accurately measure EC, moisture and temperature with a single click. When you optimise your root zone, you’ll be able to unlock your plants’ full potential.

All plants need the right amount of food (nutrients) in order to thrive; measuring conductivity will ensure that your plants have access to the right amount of nutrients at every growth stage.

You also need to measure moisture so that you can optimise your irrigation cycles and water consumption while controlling the risk of root infections. Lastly, by regularly measuring temperature, you’ll be able to spot temperature fluctuations and optimise root function.

A versatile and robust root-zone meter
Lightning-fast measurements
The robust Bluelab Pulse Meter will enable you to measure faster than ever before, giving you three different measurements in under 10 seconds.

What’s more, you can use the Bluelab Pulse Meter in a variety of growing media, including soil, potting mixes and coco coir blends, as well as nutrient solutions. This meter’s built-in depth gauge will also ensure that you get consistent measurements with every reading.

Unlock what makes your best plants tick
Compare on the go with Blink and Pulse App
With the Bluelab Pulse Meter, you’ll be able to measure faster and you can also use this meter’s Blink technology to set your best-performing plants as the benchmark and get instantaneous visual indicators showing you how your crop compares.

What’s more, the Pulse App will unlock new insights by allowing you to take notes about your plants and measurements on the go. Use these powerful resources to discover the secrets behind your top plants’ success while storing, exporting and analysing your plant data.

There’s no need for manual data collection; get access to game-changing insights with Blink and the Pulse App today.