Bluelab PeriPod M4

Item id : C99980069

Unit information

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Product description

Product benefits

  • Peristaltic pumps for accurate and consistent dosing of nutrient and pH into reservoirs
  • For convenience, doser can be positioned lower than the injection point
  • Quiet and fan-cooled for optimal performance
  • Manual dosing from the unit to prime tubing
  • 120ml/min flow rate
  • M3 and M4 sizes offer an ultra-compact solution for space-saving environments
  • 4 metres/13 feet of tubing for dosing pH adjuster solution
  • High-strength acid-/alkaline-resistant tubing for safe dosing of pH up or down
  • 3x 4 metres/13 feet of food-grade tubing for dosing nutrient stock solution
  • Opaque nutrient tubing to prevent algae growth
  • Replaceable peristaltic pumps and tubing
  • Rugged wall-mounted design for long-lasting efficiency
  • PeriPods can be linked to create an expandable multi-part nutrient dosing system of up to 12 pumps*

    *Please note: Only M series (M3 and M4) can be chained to together. L3 can only be chained to other L3s