Berg Harvest rack

Item id : 941355134

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Product description

We offer you

  • Robust and manoeuvrable design
  • Ease of maintenance
  • Flexible to set up and use
  • Efficient in transport


  • The trolley can be fitted with a special harvesting rack for tomatoes
  • Even a full transport trolley is still manoeuvrable, thanks to the swivelling wheels
  • The modular construction and easy stackability ensure efficient transport loading
  • Parts can be easily replaced

The transport trolleys are used for many different crops. Thanks to the modular construction, this product is available in many variants.

Quality wheels
We use excellent quality parts for our transport trolleys. The original Berg Hortimotive flange wheels are made of a special nylon composition for a long service life and for a low rolling resistance with a loaded trolley.

The central wheels, round 200 mm with aluminium rim, are virtually indestructible with normal use. Heavy trolley loads are no problem for the plastic swivelling wheels.

The trolleys are treated with a durable, easy to clean, powder coating.

Berg Hortimotive harvest and transport trolleys are the most popular transport trolleys on the market. You can use these trolleys for all crops, such as floriculture, but they were designed primarily for the tomato harvest. The trolley is available in different sizes and can be deployed for immediate harvesting when fitted with the right top rack and roller conveyor. This robust trolley has been designed for a long service life and ease of maintenance. Thanks to the special swivelling wheels, the trolley is still very manoeuvrable even when fully loaded. Moreover, the unique folding triangular link ensures user-friendliness and reliability

Rolling harvest rack for fluster tomatoes

  • 241 cm long with 2 layers
  • Middle layer transport wheels 30 mm, hoh 33mm x 30 mm
  • Solid upper layer model length 210 cm
  • Bottom layer is a frame car
  • Suitable for pushing off laterally and lengthwise.