Phormiflex ground cover 100 white 335 - 200m

Item id : 110809408

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Product description

Phormiflex 110 gram/m2 black line
This strong, breathing, white ground covering sheet is suitable both for flower cultivation and vegetable cultivation. The screen is provided with black lines every 25 cm lengthwise and has a very high reflection value. Narrower widths on request. If a wider screen is desired, there is the possibility of producing a maximum of 5 times a standard width. At the same time the screen can be supplied to adapted lengths.


Width(cm) Length(m)
335 100
335 200
335 afgepaste lengte 
415 100
415 afgepaste lengte 
525 afgepaste lengte 


Can-Hub supplies a full range of Phormiflex to suit any application. Feel free to contact us to give advice specially suited for your situation.