Netafim dripper 2 litre + 100 white + rapier stake

Item id : 017460042

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Product description

Kameleon 2 liter + 100 white Rapier - black

The Kameleon is a compact, pressure compensating and self closing dripper, which is ideally suited when the highest demands are made on a uniform water supply. Due to the self closing operation, all drippers open and close at the same time. The pressure compensation ensures uniform delivery throughout the system, even with long and thin pipes. With the Kameleon the water supply can be controlled extremely accurately. It's not for nothing that the Kameleon is the most widely used drop in dutch greenhouse horticulture.


  • Pressure compensating: equal release throughout the system, even with thinner and longer pipes
  • Self-closing: no drainage of pipes, allowing very short drips.
  • Not clogged, so maintenance-friendly
  • Clean with acid, peroxide and chlorine
  • Long lifespan
  • Unilateral feeding possible, easy flushing.

Technical data


Release 2,0 L/u
Working pressure 1-3,5 bar
Closing pressure 0,12 bar

Can-Hub supplies a full range of Netafim Drippers, lines and stakes to suit any application. Feel free to contact us to give advice specially suited for your situation.