Vfan PLVE 40 230v 50Hz

Item id : 960000053

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Product description

Fan Model PLVE 40 230 V

The PLV 40 is a flat fan that gives very little shade in the greenhouse because of its small size. Moreover, it is very quiet during use. For an optimal climate, the series method is the most suitable. In this case, the fans are placed behind each other. This gives a quiet air movement and is much better for the crop with prolonged use. The fans hanging in a row provide an optimal air flow.

Technical specifications

Use at 230 V &amp 50 Hz


Power consumption 0.10 Kw
Power consumption 0.48 A
Rpm 920 omw/min
Diameter 40 cm
Capacity 3500 m3
Length wind tunnel Ca. 15cm
Throw 35 m


Use at 230 V &amp 60 Hz


Power consumption 0.14 Kw
Power consumption 0.64 A
RPM 1030 omw/min
Diameter 45 cm
Capacity 3500 m3
Length wind tunnel Ca. 15cm
Throw 35 m