Priva Aranet Temp + RH sensor

Item id : 085901242

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Product description

Can record measurement data in areas such as food production, warehouses / storage facilities, building management and other places. The hermetic housing ensures that no excessive moisture or dust particles can change the measured values, which guarantees constant and reliable data monitoring.

  • monitors temperature and relative humidity
  • IP68 housing
  • up to 3 km range (without obstacles)
  • designed for dusty and damp locations
  • GORE membrane for accurate measurements

The Priva/Aranet wireless sensors can read out data every minute and transmit it to the centrally located base station. This offers the ultimate flexibility to move the sensors while finding the most suitable place - independent of the wiring. The measurement system helps you fine-tune your growing activities to maximize yield by monitoring:

  • Air temperature and humidity
  • PAR light level
  • CO₂ level
  • Water content in the substrate
  • Salinity (EC) in the substrate
  • Temperature of the substrate
  • Weight of the substrate and the plants
  • Micro variation of the trunk diameter

The base station communicates with the Priva Gateway. The Priva gateway combines data from the Priva Connext computer and the base station into 1 database in the cloud. This data will be made available in Priva Operator and other future cloud services.

These wireless sensors transmit the information with high-frequency radio signals. Which frequency is used depends on the place on earth. For example, Europe uses base stations and sensors that operate at a frequency of 868MHz. Other frequencies are used in North America, Russia and China. When ordering sensors and the base station, it must be clear in which part of the world the customer is located. Select the base station and sensors for the right frequency for the customer. Please note that item numbers vary by continent (frequency).

Sensors for the frequencies / continents:

  • Frequency 868MHz continent Europe
  • Frequency 915MHz continents America en Australia
  • Frequency 868+MHz continent Russia