Q-Heat 15L

Item id : 370014685

Unit information

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Product description

Q-Heat is a weatherproof, adjustable diffuse shading product that allows maximum growth light ingress (PAR) and maximum heat reflection. It is specifically designed for glass, plastic film, polycarbonate and acrylic. Q-Heat is very wear resistant, yet easy to remove with Removit.. The shading agent contains specially developed pigments that allow maximum growth light ingress, provide maximum heat reflection and diffuse the light.

Q-Heat does not contain any components that are harmful to the environment.



  • Heat reduction (through NIR reflection).
  • Maintains amount of growth light (high PAR transmission).
  • Adjustable shading conditions.
  • Easily removable with Removit.


Buckets per ha Shading PAR +/- Shading NIR +/- (heat) % HAZE (diffusivity) +/- Lifespan (weeks) +/- Weather resistance
44 40% 70% 90% 21-24 maximum
33 30% 65% 94% 18-20 maximum
27 25% 60% 95% 15-17 maximum
22 20% 50% 93% 12-14 medium
17 15% 40% 91% 10-11 medium

Percentages are based on measurements performed by Wageningen University (WUR). The lifespan is measured in average European weather conditions. Extreme weather conditions may slightly affect the values specified in the table.

Instructions for use

Calculate the required amount of buckets by reading the desired screen percentage as stated in the table. Add the content of the bucket to clean water while stirring. Use sufficient spray liquid to evenly distribute the Q-Heat. The amount of spray liquid partly depends on used the spraying method. The indicative quantity of spray liquid for machine application is 1.200 to 1.400 liters per hectare and 1.500 to 1.700 liters in case of manual application. We recommend to continuously or regularly stir the solution during application. Apply Q-Heat on a clean and dry underground in dry weather conditions.

After the season Q-Heat can be removed quickly, easily and in a responsible manner with Removit.


Do not use Q-Heat in combination with other shading agents. Prevent the product from entering the basin during application or removal. Store frost free.