DryGair DGX

Item id : C99980001

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Product description

Optimized for indoor Cannabis cultivation
Can-Hub introduces the DryGair DGX, the newest model in the DryGair range of dehumidifiers. This smaller model is especially designed and suitable for growing medical cannabis.


  • The unit is characterized by its smaller dimensions: 130 x 110 x 160 cm, it weighs only 375 kg, has the highest efficiency (l/h/KWh)
  • Can be installed either standing or hanging
  • The unit is highly efficient in reducing the relative humidity in two working areas, namely 80% RH at 18°C and 60% RH at 26°C. On both sides, the unit is provided with panels to condensate the greenhouse air, up to a total of 16 liters per hour.
  • This DryGair DGX is also provided with the patented air circulation system, which makes this unit very suitable for the cultivation of for instance medicinal cannabis.
  • The unit is equipped with the latest technology including a remote control. This makes it possible to optimize the cultivation conditions of your crop from a distance as well.