CanForce 2 5lt.

Item id : C99980091

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Product description

Product description
CanForce 2 is a substrate improver with specifically selected bacteria. These bacteria produce enzymes, which improves the absorption of nutritional nutrients. Symbiosis is created with the plant, which means that the plant is supported in growth, the absorption of nutrients and therefore also the yield.
A better absorption of nutrients leads to a higher dry matter content and thus a resilient plant against abiotic stress. Canna-Force 2 also stimulates soil life, which also contributes to the resilience of the plant.
Composition CanForce 2
CanForce 2 contains two bacteria from the pseudomonas family.
Dosage CanForce 2
The following dosage for CanForce 2 is recommended:
  • Rain pipes: 3-5 litres/ha. 250 ml x 100 liters of water per 1000 m2
  • Spraying: dissolve 0.5 liters of product in 100 liters of water on 1000 m2
Application CanForce 2
Do not use CanForce 2 in combination with fungicides or biocides. The same applies to residues in the soil. It is possible to combine CanForce 2 with fungicides and biocides by using excipients. For advice, please contact our specialist.
Concentration CanForce 2
CanForce 2 contains 108 CFU* organisms.
*CFU= Colony forming units
CanForce 2 is available in 5 litre cans. Each can contains a breathable cap.
Store CanForce 2 cool (5-10 degrees) in a dry room and avoid direct sunlight. If the product is stored correctly, it can be kept for up to 12 months.
Skal certified
This product is on the skal input list. The product may be used in Dutch organic farming. Display on the input list does not mean that Skal makes a recommendation to use the product.